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  • 2022 7x24 Carolinas Golf Outing

2022 7x24 Carolinas Golf Outing

  • 20 Jun 2022
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • NorthStone Country Club


  • Beverages are critical to any round of Golf. This sponsor will be keeping the players hydrated during their round. Your Company Logo will be displayed on the Beverage Cart and will be mentioned at the event and displayed on the website.

    This Sponsorship includes 1 Foursome.
  • All participants will be treated to a Grab and Go Breakfast before the round to ensure they have plenty of energy to start their round. The Breakfast Sponsor will have their name and Logo displayed at the table, mentioned at the event and displayed on the website.

    This Sponsorship includes 1 Foursome.
  • Our great golfers need to be recognized for their skills showcased during this event. On your hole, we will recognize the one who demonstrated the greatest skill of hitting the ball closest to the pin. The Closest to the Pin Sponsor will be recognized with a sign with their name and logo displayed at the hole, and mentioned at the event and displayed on the website.

    This Sponsorship includes 1 Foursome.
  • What golfer can play a round without loosing up? By Sponsoring the Driving Range, You will allow our participants to loosening up and therefore preventing injury. Your company will be recognized with Signage at the Range, mentioned during the event and on the website.

    This Sponsorship includes 1 Foursome.
  • You are registering a group of 4 for this event. Entry fees include, Breakfast, Driving Range, Breakfast, Beverage Cart, Lunch and Networking Event Following the event.

    If the event is full, please sign up on our waitlist.
  • Who is the next Jason Zuback? Probably no-one in this group, but we are recognizing the one of us who can hit the ball farther on your hole today. As a Sponsor of one of the two Long Drive Holes, you will have a sign on your hole with your company name and logo. you will also be recognized at the event and on our website.

    This Sponsorship includes 1 Foursome.
  • All participants will be treated to a box lunch during their round to have enough energy to complete their round. The Lunch Sponsor will have their name and Logo displayed at the cart and will be mentioned at the event and displayed on the website.

    This Sponsorship includes 1 Foursome.
  • Better known as the "Cocktail Hour." The gathering hole is opened for all of those stories of the "I was this Close" and "If I had only". The Networking Sponsor will have their name and Logo displayed at the event, mentioned at the event and displayed on the website.

    This Sponsorship includes 1 Foursome.
  • Includes exclusive tee box signage and a third-tier website mention.

    No foursome is included in the sponsorship.
    This can be an add-on to a current sponsorship.
  • WIMCO will have a table at the Golf Outing to promote WIMCO to the participants. This sponsor will be recognized with a sign with their name and logo displayed at the WiMCO table, mentioned at the event and displayed on the website.

    This Sponsorship includes 1 Foursome

2022 7x24 Carolinas Golf Outing registration is now available!   The event will take place Monday, June 20th, 2022 at the NorthStone Country Club in Huntersville, NC.  All foursomes include: Breakfast, Driving Range, Beverage Cart, Lunch and Networking Event Following the event.   To allow as many companies to participate, only 1 foursome is allowed per company. 

Registration and Breakfast begins at 8:00 a.m.

Shotgun Start at 10 a.m.

Networking event and awards follow.

NorthStone Country Club

15801 Northstone Drive

Huntersville, NC 28078

Tee Box Sponsors Still Available

Includes exclusive tee box signage and a third-tier website mention.
No foursome is included in the sponsorship.

*This can be an add-on to a current sponsorship, or a foursome*

Register Here:  https://www.7x24carolinas.org/event-4764775

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